Why pork is prohibited in Judaism Islam

Announced the advice to spend the Ramadan period to health Why from the one Harris's theory pork is prohibited in Judaism Islam . Introduction The religion of the world there is a variety of taboo. For example, in Judaism and Islam has become the ingredients pig is forbidden. Such a taboo on the Internet about the discourse that [pig parasite to eat because (ciliates)'re defined and should not] be seen. On the other hand anthropologist Marvin Harris if he is not at all to eat for other reasons are mentioned in the book. Here is a brief introduction to the opinion of Harris, I want to describe the taboo of the pig. About. Pig Pig is a truly rational creatures to keep. Pigs can change the energy contained in the feed to meat. On the other hand sheep, it is small. When it comes to cattle. Cow is a necessary gestation period of nine months to give birth to a calf one head, also calf will take four months to reach the 00 lbs (0kg), in other words it takes a total of months. On the other hand sows plum piglets of more animals in the four months after conception, it is possible to then reach in clogging 0 months more than 00 pounds for six months.