The reason pork is prohibited in the Middle East? - Asia segment ...

Announced the advice to spend the Ramadan period to health The reason pork is prohibited in the Middle East? In the world there are some religions that forbid pork, but one of them is the dominant Muslim in the Middle East. In Islam has been a pig is one unclean, food has become a taboo. If you or behaved the meal invited acquaintance friend of the Muslims, you must be careful. Handling of pork in the Islamic world In Islamic cultures, while to sell it is that there is also a country that prohibits even situation that bringing let alone, such as in many countries followers of other religions, such as Lebanon and Egypt are commonly sold, different treatment depending on the country. Obligation of the restaurant Besides the Middle East Islamic countries, China and Singapore, in many countries of the restaurant of the Muslim population, such as Malaysia, display and obtain a certificate that shows the clauses below when dealing with pork [halal] has obliged. Clause of Halal That we are not using all the pork. It does not contain a component derived from the pig.