In the Middle East, after all NG I drink or pork?

Announced the advice to spend the Ramadan period to health In the Middle East, after all NG I drink or pork? - Middle East of the meal Situation; Speaking of the moon and the moon, Christmas and New Year, year-end party, a New Year's party It is a banquet often season. New Year dishes in the pot to the cake, while becomes gluttony I would often spend a good time. Well, here it is the parties and banquets often season in the Middle East. In particular month, month temperature is 0 degrees before and after during the day, the beach, the park, in the house of the garden Arabs to open the picnic and barbecue often. And, speaking of banquet and barbecue, it's not indispensable alcohol and meat! But, alcohol and pork I Middle East who appeared was not a useless? And, very sharp! Certainly some countries or have been prohibited or, or severely was okay. In, fact, or alcohol and pork is still useless for, or NG of the even foreigners? Well what kind of things in place has been eaten, We would like to introduce to the center of Qatar in the Middle East.